Immer am ersten Montag des Monats gibt es bei der Diva Challenge eine "UMT"-Aufgabe. "Use My Tangle". Dieses Mal geht es um das Muster DANSK von Margaret Bremner.
Ich habe diesmal eine runde Renaissance-Kachel verwendet ...
Always on the first Monday of the month, the Diva Challenge is a "UMT" one, which means "Use My Tangle". This time it is about the pattern DANSK by Margaret Bremner.
I used a round renaissance tile this time ...
... und habe mit dem Muster im Zentrum angefangen. Dansk als zurückheltendes Muster kam erst im äußeren Bereich zusammen mit Mooka und Pokeleaf zum Zuge. Schattieren und Highlights mit weißem Buntstift bringen die Dimension.
... and began with the pattern in the center of the tile. Dansk is a bautiful but unobstrusive pattern, which I used in the background of the outer area together with mooka and pokeleaf.
Shading and highlights with a white colored pencil gernerate a nice 3D effect.
Kommentar schreiben
Jean Chaney (Dienstag, 13 Juni 2017 22:14)
Love the geometric interior and then the radiating organic flow, and how the color goes from vibrant to subtle. Awesome tile!
Ils (Mittwoch, 14 Juni 2017 12:24)
Wow, I love the place you've given Dansk in this tile. It's connected very well with the other tangles.
Anita A Westin (Mittwoch, 14 Juni 2017 20:27)
Wonderful zendala with smooth colors!�
Annemarie (Donnerstag, 15 Juni 2017 07:34)
Wow, this is gorgeous! Dansk on the background is just so beautiful!
Don Wilka (Samstag, 17 Juni 2017 02:56)
Nice use of Dansk as a background. Nice work on the tangle in the middle.
Gudrun S. (Sonntag, 18 Juni 2017 13:09)
Gorgeous tile :-))
Susie Ng (Sonntag, 18 Juni 2017 14:25)
Everything just flows perfectly into each other. The bold center grid gives a perfect hold to the delicate outer decor tangles. This is a master tile!!!
LezliB (Montag, 19 Juni 2017 09:26)
This is one of the most eye-catching zendalas that I have seen. The way you have incorporated the center geometric design with the tangles around the outside transitions so smoothly, it looks as though it was always meant to flow like that. The color is beautifully done and the shading and highlights really make this a truly stunning piece!